
Our Work

This is a page where we'll display work we've done in the classroom.


By Johniel
This is a video I made reviewing what happened in New Zealand throughout the last decade.

1 comment:

  1. By Lauren (Lolly) Spurdle


    The Pope has done what no Pope has done in over half a millenium!!! The Pope resigned due to old age and declining health. Even his closest associates did not have advance word of his resignation. ""Without doubt this is a historic moment," said Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, a protege and former theology student of Benedict's who himself is considered a papal contender. "Right now, 1.2 billion Catholics the world over are holding their breath."" (1)
    The Pope is 85 years old and he was elected in April 19, 2005, which doesn't seem like very long, but when you consider what he does on a daily basis (which is quite a lot) it's pretty long.

    = D

    [ (1) N. Winfield & V. Simpson, Associated Press]
